Our partners

Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Stockholm (KTH)
The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Stockholm is the highest ranked university of technology in northern Europe. KTH has identified nanoscience and quantum technologies as important research areas for future growth and hosts the Swedish coordination for the national quantum communication node
The KTH quantum optics laboratory consists of six experimental setups built around six cryostats. In particular, a Bluefors dilution cryostat enables optical measurements down to 10 mK an Attocube system with a photonic probe station is specially designed for long term measurements requiring high stability as well as a cryostat designed to operate simultaneously a large number of superconducting detectors as required in this project.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
VTT is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law and operating under the ownership steering of the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT’s activities are focused on three areas: Knowledge intensive products and services, Smart industry and energy systems, and Solutions for natural resources and environment.
VTT has extensive, unique and world-wide acknowledged experience in development and testing of integrated circuits, sensors and mm-wave MMICs from component level to system level using GaAs, SiGe, CMOS, GaN, InP technologies for applications ranging from astrophysics and Earth remote sensing to 5G telecommunications, millimeter-wave imaging and radar applications.
VTT is specialized in the design, measurement and fabrication aspects of superconducting integrated circuit technology and quantum technologies. VTT is also included in the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Quantum technology (QTF).
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
EMBL is the flagship laboratory for molecular biology in Europe and thus an excellent environment to pursue a research program aimed at developing new microscopy tools to understand basic aspects of neurobiology and cancer. EMBL is renowned as a highly collaborative institution, which actively supports and encourages cross-disciplinary research. Specifically, the Cell Biology and Biophysics (CBB) Unit has a tradition in developing new microscopy methods(e.g. confocal and light-sheet were developed in CBB), and to integrate biophysics, biochemistry and developmental biology, strongly stimulating the exchange of ideas.

Single Quantum B.V. (SQ)
Single Quantum is the market leader in the emerging field of high-performance single photon detectors. The company was created in 2012 as a spin-off from the Delft University of Technology: a positive example of how excellence in science can be translated into a successful company. Single Quantum designs, builds and commercializes high-performance single-photon detection systems based on superconducting nanowires.
Our customer list features Toshiba Research Labs, Hamamatsu Photonics, Huawei, t he United State Air Force, Los Alamos laboratories, for a total of more than 100 academic and industrial labs all over the world. A strong market pull for our technology, reflected in a steady turnover growth that has more than doubled every year since 2013.
In order to accelerate further growth, Single Quantum was awarded the prestigious SME instrument phase 2 grant from the European
Commission to supporting disruptive innovation in small businesses with significant growth potential and global ambitions. In addition, Single Quantum is participating to the Quantum Flagship, a 1 B€ initiative from the European commission to boost quantum technology.